On Tuesday, March 11th, 2025, the FOMI Company received the delegation from the African Development Bank (ADB). With a warm welcome, the General Manager of FOMI Simon NTIRAMPEBA presented them the objective,the achievements and the mission of the FOMI Company since its creation.

Simon NTIRAMPEBA said that, after doing scientific research on the infertility and acidity of Burundian soil, major causes of the decrease in agricultural production, they decided to create the industry that is the “Fertilisants Organo Mineraux Industries” (FOMI), an industry able of manufacturing fertilizers that can restore soil fertility, increase agricultural production and protect the environment as well as agricultural lime which fights against the acidity of the soil.

The General Director of FOMI said that the fertilizers of the FOMI company include: Fomi IMBURA which is a base fertilizer applied to almost all crops, Fomi TOTAHAZA which is the cover fertilizer applied to cereals, Fomi BAGARA which is the cover fertilizer applied to tubers as well as agricultural lime which fights against soil acidity. He clarified the activities of the FOMI Society are internationally recognized and are already widespread in some countries of the sub-region such as Tanzania, Uganda, Angola, etc. According to him, FOMI contributes a lot to the development of the population and the country.

James Kinyangi, the Coordinator of Climate and Development Special Funds at ADB, greatly appreciates the activities of FOMI, especially since FOMI has taken into account the scientific, social and environmental aspects. He encourages FOMI to always consult with partners and research institutions that can contribute to the development of its activities.