
The Fertilisants organo minéraux industries FOMI responded to the call of administration,in collaboration with provincial office of agriculture,livestock and environment in Gitega Province,in the reforestation compaign with agro-foresty trees ,on Thursday January,9th 2025.
This compaign took place in Gitega Province,on the hill called Gasirwa ,in Guingiri locality of Bugendana Commune.

Gasirwa Hill
Gasirwa Hill

This is Gasirwa hill of which,a large part is deforested .It is in this part that the FOMI delegation ,in collaboration of the administration ,the provincial Office of environment ,agriculture and livestock in Gitega Pronvince ,met the population in this activity of restoration of that hill ,with aim of protecting environment .

After the activity ,the present participants shared the message concerning the protecting and monitoring these trees planted,as they need to be protected,so that they contribute in the environmental protecting, without forgetting the cultivable soil.

UWIKUNDA Oscar, Director of Environment, Agriculture, and Livestock in Gitega Province

In his speech ,the provincial Director of environment,agriculture and livestock in Gitega Province ,Oscar Uwikunda thanked the FOMI company for its contribution to the protection of environment, through the project of multiplying and planting of seedlings on the deforested hills.

Marie NINDEMERA, Advisor to the Governor of Gitega Province in charge of Administration and Finance

As for Marie Nindemera ,the advisor to the governor of Gitega Province ,in charge of administration and finance ,who had represented the governor of Gitega Province ,in this reforestation work of Gasirwa hill ,she thanked the FOMI Company for his act that the FOMI Company carries out ,alongside the other works of manufacturing organo mineral fertilizers,that allow the increase of agricultural production and the restoration of the soil ,and she asked the FOMI Company to continue this reforestation work ,in the other communes of Gitega Province,in which this activity has not yet been done.

Cassien KANYEGERI, the Agonomic Director at the FOMI Company

The Agonomic Director at the FOMI Company,on behalf of the General Manager of the FOMI Company,appreciated the way FOMI was invited to take part in this activity,and the good way this company work in collaboration with the administration,the setor of environment,agriculture and livestock in Gitega Province.

After anouncing the works of the FOMI Company in his environmental protection project ,hé called on the population to protect these trees.
The population who had responded to this work ,is delighted with this gesture of the FOMI Company,a gesture that will allow the increase of agricultural production and protection of cultivable soil,This population is committed to protect these trees.

Afforestation of eucalyptus established by FOMI in Muhanga Commune of Kayanza Province

In the work of protecting the environment of the FOMI Company,the delegation of the FOMI Company guided by Cassien Kanyegeri ,the Agronomic Director at FOMI,arrived ,on the same day,in Muhanga Commune of Kayanza Province ,to visit a two years old forest field .This field is the one of the FOMI projects of protecting environment.Kanyegeri Cassien positevely assessed the state of this field,given its principles of environmental protection.

This good exemple that FOMI shows ,is well received by the population.As for them,such activity must be supported and multiplied ,as the Muhanga Communal agronomist said it.

FOMI,is experienced in the environmental protection especially ,since it has received international certificates in the protection of environment,such as ISO 14001 certificate,as indicated by the Deputy Director of the FOMI Company Manyange Hermenegilde.

It should be noted that ,the FOMI Company is decided to continue to respond to the call of environment protection ,with the implementing of the Burundi vision of an emerging country in 2040 ,and a devevoped country in 2060.